Posts tagged anaphylaxis
Learning to own my allergy anxieties stopped them from owning me

Allergy anxiety is something I still struggle with, and this has proved a challenge for me at university with moving away, living with strangers and ultimately leaving the comfort zone of my home. However, I truly believe that this change has also been the making of me, as a person with allergies.

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Knowing This Position is Vital When Treating Anaphylaxis

We've shared the signs of anaphylaxis and the importance of administering an Auto-Adrenaline Injector (AAI) without delay, but what position should you put the patient in until emergency help arrives?

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We Couldn't Find Childcare that Could Keep my Allergic Daughter Safe

Of the seven private nursery schools in my hometown, only one manager got back in touch with me. Because of how far-ranging Eilonwy's allergies are, they said “We can’t guarantee her safety”. Because of her contact allergies, every child and staff member at the nursery would need to adjust the products they use,

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