Every Child Deserves to BE Included


A food allergy theme that repeats itself over and over again is exclusion. It can be for many reasons; some safeguarding ones, others possibly because of misinformation. But when a lack of understanding excludes, we must show how positive steps with some forethought can do just the opposite.

Natasha was 2 years old when she was ready for nursery school. I was prepared for the extra conversations around her food allergies and asthma but I felt positive - nursery schools were there to support children’s early years and her food allergies shouldn't have any impact on this.

Please remember that this was in 2003 so some years ago, when we visited nursery schools in our borough and yet not one was willing to offer her a place. The sticking point for most was late morning milk time when children were offered a cup of milk, and could drink it while they wandered around and played. Natasha we knew was extremely allergic to cow’s milk, even if it just touched her skin. We asked if they would consider giving the children a drink other than milk? No. We asked if it could be served in closed beakers? No. We asked if the children could sit at a table while they drank their milk and then wash their hands afterwards? No

Just as we began to despair, we came across a small, tucked-away little nursery school with just 20 children. When we met the staff, we knew we could make this work - because they asked US what THEY could do to make sure they were INCLUSIVE whilst keeping Natasha safe from harm! Their kindness and willingness to offer Natasha a safe and happy environment was heartwarming.

Every morning, I would prepare Natasha’s lunch that was as close to what the other children would be eating that day. Pat the nursery chef, would heat up Natasha’s food separately, taking all the correct precautions to avoid allergen cross-contact. Natasha never felt excluded. Late morning milk time was replaced with fruit snacks and water. They asked us what safe snacks Natasha could eat and filled a cupboard with them for all the children to enjoy. Before and after meal times, all the children were taught to wash their hands. The nursery never rewarded with food treats, they rewarded with praise.

These were wonderful years for Natasha. She understood very well that she had food allergies and that couldn't eat the same foods as everybody else, but thanks to the fabulous staff at New Era Nursery she was never excluded.