People do NOT pretend to have Food Allergies.

Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

So why is it that sometimes it is so hard for your allergies to be believed?

We were recently contacted by a young woman who explained that she was allergic to garlic. The smallest amount could trigger anaphylaxis, but she had trouble getting people to believe her - most had never heard of such an allergy, and therefore doubted it was true. This is a serious issue as more adults and children are now being diagnosed with allergies to foods outside the common top 14 list of allergens. We are becoming allergic to foods that have never been considered allergenic.

We have also heard that there is a belief amongst some restaurants that customers stating they have a food allergy are most likely food intolerant or just want to avoid eating a food that they don't like. While in some cases this may certainly be true, it is extremely dangerous for a dubious server or chef not to believe a customer who is explaining their food allergy to them.

The role of society should not be to judge who does and who does not have a food allergy - because people with food allergies don't pretend to be allergic. They don't pretend because their truth is the only real protection they have.

We need more patience, kindness and less criticism and wariness of people’s food allergies. We also need more of these attributes to be given to people with food intolerances and food preferences, because only then can we have open and honest dialogue and understanding - on all sides.

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