Can't Pinpoint Your Food Allergies? It Could be a Histamine Intolerance!

Is there something you suspect you're allergic to but can't put your finger on? It could be Histamine Intolerance.

Histamine intolerance is not an allergy. However, it's often difficult to distinguish between the two because the symptoms can be similar in both cases.

But what are Histamines?

Histamines are the chemicals that your immune system creates to protect itself. Histamines hustle allergens which they see as a threat, out of your body or off your skin. They can make you sneeze, tear up, swell or itch. They will do whatever it takes to get the job done, but often the overreaction can give you allergy-like symptoms. The most effective histamine intolerance treatment is to avoid all high-histamine foods.

Just some foods that contain higher levels of histamine include:

Alcohol and other fermented beverages, beans, pulses, pickled foods, mature cheeses, ready meals, chocolate, nuts, smoked meats or preserved meats, salty snacks and sweets with preservatives, artificial colourings, shellfish, fermented foods such as sauerkraut and yoghurt, avocados, dried fruits, spinach and aubergines.

Avoiding these foods is easier said than done.

Histamines are present in many foods, and to make matters worse, manufacturers are not obliged to include information about histamine content on food packaging.

If you suspect histamine intolerance, speak to your GP and ask for a DAO test.

Doctors may ask you to keep a food diary so you can work out the culprits through a process of elimination so if you do suspect - write it down.