There is NO Room for 'Oversights' when it Comes to Food Allergies

George is 4, he has had multiple food allergies since he was 8 weeks old and is allergic to eggs, all nuts and sesame. George's allergies continue to be a battle that we fight every day for him and with him.

When George was 1 year old, he was given pancakes containing egg in nursery, due to an "oversight". Fast forward to starting school in September last year when we received the dreaded phone call that George had been given pancakes containing egg due to yet another "oversight".

He has moved nurseries and schools in search of somewhere "safe" and we are hoping that we have found that place now. Emphasis on “HOPE”. We even visited a school that claimed they "couldn't guarantee that mistakes won't happen because 7 years is a long time in school".

George said to us that he loves his new school and "hopes that they will not give him his allergies like the others". 

What we feel people need to understand about allergies is that there simply cannot be "oversights" as there is no room for mistakes. This is my child's life we are talking about, and it cuts deep when people do not take it seriously or make him feel inconvenient.

 I can only hope that things will improve as George gets older, and we will do all that we can to help that process along by supporting charities like Natasha's Foundation and educating those around us about allergies. 

It means a lot to know that there are people out there who DO take allergies as seriously as they should be taken and understand the struggles that people with food allergies face every day.

Katie Arkell (George's mum).